List of acupuncture point names

List of English translations from the original Chinese acupuncture point names, as translated by Ewald Berkers.

Lung meridian
LU-1 中府 Central Storehouse
LU-2 雲門 Cloud Gate
LU-3 天府 Heaven's Storehouse
LU-4 俠白 Purely Doing as One Likes
LU-5 尺澤 Cubit Marsh
LU-6 孔最 Greatest Hole
LU-7 列缺 Wedge Gap
LU-8 經渠 Lengthwise Gutter
LU-9 太淵 Largest Depth
LU-10 魚際 Fishing Side
LU-11 少商 Littlest Exchange
Large Intestine meridian
LI-1 商陽 Yang Exchanges
LI-2 二間 Second Space
LI-3 三間 Third Space
LI-4 合谷 Closed Valley
LI-5 陽谿 Yang Valley Stream
LI-6 偏歴 Veering Passage
LI-7 溫溜 Warm Drops
LI-8 下廉 Lower One at the Angle
LI-9 上廉 Upper One at the Angle
LI-10 手三里 Hand's Three Quarter Miles
LI-11 曲池 Pond at the Bend
LI-12 肘髎 Elbow Bone Notch
LI-13 手五里 Hand's Five Quarter Miles
LI-14 臂臑 Upper Arm
LI-15 肩髃 Shoulder Bone
LI-16 巨骨 Big Bones
LI-17 天鼎 Heaven's Tripod
LI-18 扶突 Aiding the Chimney
LI-19 口禾髎 Taste's Grain-like Bone Notch
LI-20 迎香 Welcoming Fragrance
Stomach meridian
ST-1 承泣 Accept the Tears
ST-2 四白 Four Whites
ST-3 巨髎 Large Bone Notch
ST-4 地倉 Land's Granary
ST-5 大迎 Big Welcome
ST-6 頰車 Jaw Wheel
ST-7 下關 Underneath the Joint
ST-8 頭維 Corner of the Hair
ST-9 人迎 Welcoming Others
ST-10 水突 Fluids Chimney
ST-11 氣舍 Qi Lodge
ST-12 缺盆 Empty Basin
ST-13 氣戶 Qi Door
ST-14 庫房 Store Room
ST-15 屋翳 Room Screen
ST-16 膺窗 Chest Window
ST-17 乳中 Center of the Nipple
ST-18 乳根 Base of the Breasts
ST-19 不容 Not Accepted
ST-20 承滿 Receiving Enough
ST-21 梁門 Gate Beam
ST-22 關門 Barrier Gate
ST-23 太乙 Greatest Oneness
ST-24 滑肉門 Supple Flesh Gate
ST-25 天樞 Heaven's Pivot
ST-26 外陵 Outside the High Mound
ST-27 大巨 Very Rough
ST-28 水道 Fluid Passage
ST-29 歸來 Arriving Home
ST-30 氣沖 Qi Infusion
ST-31 髀關 Thigh Joint
ST-32 伏兔 Prostrating Hare
ST-33 陰市 Yin at the Market
ST-34 梁丘 Beam to the Mound
ST-35 犢鼻 Calf's Nose
ST-36 足三里 Leg's Three Quarter Miles
ST-37 上巨虛 At the Top of the Big Hollow
ST-38 條口 Long Narrow Opening
ST-39 下巨虛 At the Bottom of the Big Hollow
ST-40 豐隆 Ample Enrichment
ST-41 解谿 Melting Valley Stream
ST-42 沖陽 Infusing Yang
ST-43 陷谷 Trapped in the Valley
ST-44 內庭 Inner Courtyard
ST-45 厲兌 Passing Through Danger
Spleen meridian
SP-1 隱白 Hidden Purity
SP-2 大都 Big City
SP-3 太白 Greatest Purity
SP-4 公孫 Going Along Fairly
SP-5 商丘 Deliberation Mound
SP-6 三陰交 Three Yin in Interaction
SP-7 漏谷 Leaking Valley
SP-8 地機 Ground Pivot
SP-9 陰陵泉 Yin Mound Spring
SP-10 血海 Sea of Blood
SP-11 箕門 Winnowing Gate
SP-12 沖門 Rinsing the Gate
SP-13 府舍 Department's Lodge
SP-14 腹結 Belly Knot
SP-15 大横 Wide Horizontally
SP-16 腹哀 Belly Lament
SP-17 食竇 Feeding Opening
SP-18 天谿 Heavenly Valley Stream
SP-19 胸鄉 Countryside of the Chest
SP-20 周榮 Flourishing All-Around
SP-21 大包 Big Embrace
Heart meridian
HT-1 極泉 Highest Source
HT-2 青靈 Blue-Green Spirit
HT-3 少海 Smallest Sea
HT-4 靈道 Spirit's Path
HT-5 通里 Passing Through the Village
HT-6 陰郄 Yin Cleft
HT-7 神門 Gate to the Heart
HT-8 少府 Smallest Storehouse
HT-9 少沖 Smallest Infusion
Small Intestine meridian
SI-1 少澤 Smallest Marsh
SI-2 前谷 In Front of the Valley
SI-3 後谿 Behind the Valley Stream
SI-4 腕骨 Wrist Bones
SI-5 陽谷 Yang Valley
SI-6 養老 Nurture the Old
SI-7 支正 Support the Upright
SI-8 小海 Little Sea
SI-9 肩貞 Persistent Shouldering
SI-10 臑兪 Upper Arm Increase
SI-11 天宗 Heavenly Ancestor
SI-12 秉風 Handling Wind
SI-13 曲垣 Fence at the Curve
SI-14 肩外兪 Side of the Shoulder Increase
SI-15 肩中兪 Between the Shoulders Increase
SI-16 天窗 Window to Heaven
SI-17 天容 Heaven's Container
SI-18 顴髎 Cheekbone Notch
SI-19 聽宮 Hearing Palace
Bladder meridian
BL-1 睛明 Brightening the Eyes
BL-2 攢竹 Gathered Bamboo
BL-3 眉衝 Eyebrow Thoroughfare
BL-4 曲差 Uneven Curve
BL-5 五處 Fifth Position
BL-6 承光 Receiving Light
BL-7 通天 Unhindered Heaven
BL-8 絡卻 Receding Yoke
BL-9 玉枕 Jade Pillow
BL-10 天柱 Heaven's Pillar
BL-11 大杼 Many Shuttles
BL-12 風門 Wind Gate
BL-13 肺兪 Lung Increase
BL-14 厥陰兪 Body Yin Increase
BL-15 心兪 Heart Increase
BL-16 督兪 Supervision Increase
BL-17 膈兪 Diaphragm Increase
BL-18 肝兪 Liver Increase
BL-19 膽兪 Gallbladder Increase
BL-20 脾兪 Spleen Increase
BL-21 胃兪 Stomach Increase
BL-22 三焦兪 Triple Burner Increase
BL-23 腎兪 Kidney Increase
BL-24 氣海兪 Sea of Qi Increase
BL-25 大腸兪 Large Intestine Increase
BL-26 關元兪 Bar's Beginning Increase
BL-27 小腸兪 Small Intestine Increase
BL-28 膀胱兪 Bladder Increase
BL-29 中膂兪 Middle Spine Muscles Increase
BL-30 白環兪 White Ring Increase
BL-31 上髎 Upper Bone Notch
BL-32 次髎 Second Bone Notch
BL-33 中髎 Middle Bone Notch
BL-34 下髎 Lower Bone Notch
BL-35 會陽 Meeting of Yangs
BL-36 承扶 Receiving Help
BL-37 殷門 Prosperity Gate
BL-38 浮郄 Floating Gap
BL-39 委陽 Yield to Yang
BL-40 委中 Yield to Within
BL-41 附分 Connecting the Segments
BL-42 魄戶 Door to the Corporeal
BL-43 膏肓 Heavy Breathing
BL-44 神堂 Hall of Consciousness
BL-45 譩譆 Cry
BL-46 膈關 Diaphragm Barrier
BL-47 魂門 Hun Gate
BL-48 陽綱 Yang Headrope
BL-49 意舍 Dwelling of Thought
BL-50 胃倉 Stomach Granary
BL-51 肓門 Breathing Gate
BL-52 志室 Chamber of Will
BL-53 胞肓 Womb Breathing
BL-54 秩邊 Edge of the Sides
BL-55 合陽 Junction of Yang
BL-56 承筋 Supporting Muscles
BL-57 承山 Supporting the Mountain
BL-58 飛陽 Scattered Yang
BL-59 跗陽 Calyx Yang
BL-60 昆侖 Kunlun Mountains
BL-61 僕參 Group Participation
BL-62 申脈 Extended Vessel
BL-63 金門 Golden Gate
BL-64 京骨 Fear Bone
BL-65 束骨 Bundle of Bones
BL-66 足通谷 Walking Through the Valley
BL-67 至陰 Most Yin
Kidney meridian
KI-1 涌泉 Bubbling Spring
KI-2 然谷 Burning Valley
KI-3 太谿 Largest Valley Stream
KI-4 大鐘 Big Bell
KI-5 水泉 Water Spring
KI-6 照海 Shining Sea
KI-7 復溜 Restoring the Trickle
KI-8 交信 Mutual Trust
KI-9 築賓 Construction Guide
KI-10 陰谷 Yin Valley
KI-11 横骨 Pubic Bone
KI-12 大赫 Great Vitality
KI-13 氣穴 Qi Point
KI-14 四滿 Four Fullnesses
KI-15 中注 Pour into the Center
KI-16 肓兪 Breathing Increase
KI-17 商曲 Crooked Exchanges
KI-18 石關 Stone Barrier
KI-19 陰都 Yin City
KI-20 腹通谷 On the Belly Through the Valley
KI-21 幽門 Gate to Darkness
KI-22 步廊 Walking Corridor
KI-23 神封 Blocked Heart
KI-24 靈墟 Spiritual Wasteland
KI-25 神藏 Container of the Mind
KI-26 彧中 Inner Refinement
KI-27 兪府 Increase Department
Pericardium meridian
P-1 天池 Heavenly Pond
P-2 天泉 Heavenly Spring
P-3 曲澤 Marsh at the Bend
P-4 郄門 Gate Ajar
P-5 間使 Using the Space
P-6 內關 Barrier Gate to the Inside
P-7 大陵 Much Abuse
P-8 勞宮 Working in the Palace
P-9 中衝 Thoroughfare in the Middle
Triple Burner meridian
TB-1 關衝 Through the Barrier Gate
TB-2 液門 Juices Gate
TB-3 中渚 Between the Sandbars
TB-4 陽池 Yang Pond
TB-5 外關 Barrier Gate to the Outside
TB-6 支溝 Limb's Ditch
TB-7 會宗 Clan Meeting
TB-8 三陽絡 Triple Yang Twist
TB-9 四瀆 Fourth Ditch
TB-10 天井 Heavenly Well
TB-11 清冷淵 Clear Cold Depths
TB-12 消濼 Thawing Lake
TB-13 臑會 Upper Arm Junction
TB-14 肩髎 Shoulder Bones Notch
TB-15 天髎 Heavenly Bone Notch
TB-16 天牖 Lattice Window to Heaven
TB-17 翳風 Wind Screen
TB-18 瘈脈 Spasm Bloodvessel
TB-19 顱息 Quieting the Head
TB-20 角孫 Following the Angle
TB-21 耳門 Ear Opening
TB-22 耳和髎 Attuned Listening Bone Notch
TB-23 絲竹空 Bamboo Hairs Cavity
Gall Bladder meridian
GB-1 瞳子髎 Pupil Bone Notch
GB-2 聽會 Listening to the Group
GB-3 上關 Above the Joint
GB-4 頷厭 Clenched Jaws
GB-5 懸顱 Hanging from the Forehead
GB-6 懸厘 Hanging Little Bit
GB-7 曲鬢 Curve of the Hair on the Temples
GB-8 率谷 Follow the Valley
GB-9 天沖 Heavenly Infusion
GB-10 浮白 Purity Rising to the Surface
GB-11 頭竅陰 Yin Openings Head Point
GB-12 完骨 Entire Bone
GB-13 本神 Mind's Root
GB-14 陽白 Yang Purity
GB-15 頭臨泣 Near to Tears in the Hair
GB-16 目窗 See through the Window
GB-17 正營 Upright Conduct
GB-18 承靈 Informed by the Spirit
GB-19 腦空 Brain Hollow
GB-20 風池 Windy Pond
GB-21 肩井 Shoulder Well
GB-22 淵腋 Abyss Under the Armpit
GB-23 輒筋 Flank Muscles
GB-24 日月 Daytime Moon
GB-25 京門 Gate of Fear
GB-26 帶脈 Girdle Vessel
GB-27 五樞 Five Pivots
GB-28 維道 Holding the Path
GB-29 居髎 Squatting Bone Notch
GB-30 環跳 Jumping Around
GB-31 風市 Windy Market
GB-32 中瀆 Middle of the Ditch
GB-33 膝陽關 Knee Yang Joint
GB-34 陽陵泉 Yang Mound Spring
GB-35 陽交 Yang in Interaction
GB-36 外丘 Outside of the Mound
GB-37 光明 Bright Sunlight
GB-38 陽輔 Yang Bars
GB-39 懸鐘 Hanging Bell
GB-40 丘墟 Mound in the Wilderness
GB-41 足臨泣 Near to Tears on the Foot
GB-42 地五會 Five Meeting on the Ground
GB-43 俠谿 Valley Creek Going as it Likes
GB-44 足竅陰 Yin Openings Foot Point
Liver meridian
LIV-1 大敦 Big Vessel
LIV-2 行間 Walking Pause
LIV-3 太沖 Largest Infusion
LIV-4 中封 Between the Dikes
LIV-5 蠡溝 Woodworm Canal
LIV-6 中都 Between the Cities
LIV-7 膝關 Knee Joint
LIV-8 曲泉 Spring at the Bend
LIV-9 陰包 Yin Wrapping
LIV-10 足五里 Leg's Five Quarter Miles
LIV-11 陰廉 Yin Corner
LIV-12 急脈 Hasty Pulse
LIV-13 章門 Chapter Gate
LIV-14 期門 Gate of Hope
Ren meridian
REN-1 會陰 Meeting of Yin
REN-2 曲骨 Curved Bone
REN-3 中極 Balanced Fully
REN-4 關原 Primary Barrier Gate
REN-5 石門 Stone Gate
REN-6 氣海 Sea of Qi
REN-7 陰交 Yin in Interaction
REN-8 神闕 Loss of Consciousness
REN-9 水分 Fluid Distinguishing
REN-10 下脘 Lower Inside of the Stomach
REN-11 建里 Establishing a Village
REN-12 中脘 Middle Inside of the Stomach
REN-13 上脘 Upper Inside of the Stomach
REN-14 巨闕 Big Loss
REN-15 鳩尾 Dove Tail
REN-16 中庭 Middle of the Courtyard
REN-17 膻中 Center of the Chest
REN-18 玉堂 Jade Hall
REN-19 紫宮 Purple Palace
REN-20 華蓋 Flower Canopy
REN-21 璇璣 Pivot of Fine Jade
REN-22 天突 Heaven's Chimney
REN-23 廉泉 Corner Spring
REN-24 承漿 Fluid Receptacle
Du meridian
DU-1 長強 Continuously Strong
DU-2 腰兪 Loins Increase
DU-3 腰陽關 Waist's Yang Bar
DU-4 命門 Gate of Destiny
DU-5 懸樞 Suspended Pivot
DU-6 脊中 Halfway the Spine
DU-7 中樞 Middle Pivot
DU-8 筋縮 Muscle Contractions
DU-9 至陽 Most Yang
DU-10 靈臺 Spirit Tower
DU-11 神道 Path of the Heart
DU-12 身柱 Body Pillar
DU-13 陶道 Pleasant Path
DU-14 大椎 Big Vertebra
DU-15 瘂門 Muteness Gate
DU-16 風府 Windy Storehouse
DU-17 腦戶 Brain's Door
DU-18 強間 Pausing for Strength
DU-19 後頂 Behind the Top of the Head
DU-20 百會 Hundreds of Realizations
DU-21 前頂 In Front of the Top of the Head
DU-22 囟會 Fontanelle Junction
DU-23 上星 Stars Above
DU-24 神庭 Courtyard of the Mind
DU-25 素髎 White Bone Notch
DU-26 水溝 Water Trough
DU-27 兌端 Passing Over the Tip
DU-28 齦交 Gum Junction