The meridians' locations on the limbs

Translations of the original Chinese names for the meridians, which indicate yin and yang on the arms (hands) and legs.

Lung meridian

Most Yin of the Hand

大腸 Large Intestine meridian

Clear Yang of the Hand

Stomach meridian

Clear Yang of the Leg

Spleen meridian

Most Yin of the Leg

Heart meridian

Least Yin of the Hand

小腸 Small Intestine meridian

Most Yang of the Hand

膀胱 Bladder meridian

Most Yang of the Leg

Kidney meridian

Least Yin of the Leg

心包 Pericardium meridian

Body Yin of the Hand

三焦 Triple Burner meridian

Least Yang of the Hand

Gall Bladder meridian

Least Yang of the Leg

Liver meridian

Body Yin of the Leg