Acupuncture points on the Stomach meridian English translations from the Chinese acupuncture point names. ST-1 (Stomach 1) 承泣 Accept the Tears Translation details ST-2 (Stomach 2) 四白 Four Whites Translation details ST-3 (Stomach 3) 巨髎 Large Bone Notch Translation details ST-4 (Stomach 4) 地倉 Land's Granary Translation details ST-5 (Stomach 5) 大迎 Big Welcome Translation details ST-6 (Stomach 6) 頰車 Jaw Wheel Translation details ST-7 (Stomach 7) 下關 Underneath the Joint Translation details ST-8 (Stomach 8) 頭維 Corner of the Hair Translation details ST-9 (Stomach 9) 人迎 Welcoming Others Translation details ST-10 (Stomach 10) 水突 Fluids Chimney Translation details ST-11 (Stomach 11) 氣舍 Qi Lodge Translation details ST-12 (Stomach 12) 缺盆 Empty Basin Translation details ST-13 (Stomach 13) 氣戶 Qi Door Translation details ST-14 (Stomach 14) 庫房 Store Room Translation details ST-15 (Stomach 15) 屋翳 Room Screen Translation details ST-16 (Stomach 16) 膺窗 Chest Window Translation details ST-17 (Stomach 17) 乳中 Center of the Nipple Translation details ST-18 (Stomach 18) 乳根 Base of the Breasts Translation details ST-19 (Stomach 19) 不容 Not Accepted Translation details ST-20 (Stomach 20) 承滿 Receiving Enough Translation details ST-21 (Stomach 21) 梁門 Gate Beam Translation details ST-22 (Stomach 22) 關門 Barrier Gate Translation details ST-23 (Stomach 23) 太乙 Greatest Oneness Translation details ST-24 (Stomach 24) 滑肉門 Supple Flesh Gate Translation details ST-25 (Stomach 25) 天樞 Heaven's Pivot Translation details ST-26 (Stomach 26) 外陵 Outside the High Mound Translation details ST-27 (Stomach 27) 大巨 Very Rough Translation details ST-28 (Stomach 28) 水道 Fluid Passage Translation details ST-29 (Stomach 29) 歸來 Arriving Home Translation details ST-30 (Stomach 30) 氣沖 Qi Infusion Translation details ST-31 (Stomach 31) 髀關 Thigh Joint Translation details ST-32 (Stomach 32) 伏兔 Prostrating Hare Translation details ST-33 (Stomach 33) 陰市 Yin at the Market Translation details ST-34 (Stomach 34) 梁丘 Beam to the Mound Translation details ST-35 (Stomach 35) 犢鼻 Calf's Nose Translation details ST-36 (Stomach 36) 足三里 Leg's Three Quarter Miles Translation details ST-37 (Stomach 37) 上巨虛 At the Top of the Big Hollow Translation details ST-38 (Stomach 38) 條口 Long Narrow Opening Translation details ST-39 (Stomach 39) 下巨虛 At the Bottom of the Big Hollow Translation details ST-40 (Stomach 40) 豐隆 Ample Enrichment Translation details ST-41 (Stomach 41) 解谿 Melting Valley Stream Translation details ST-42 (Stomach 42) 沖陽 Infusing Yang Translation details ST-43 (Stomach 43) 陷谷 Trapped in the Valley Translation details ST-44 (Stomach 44) 內庭 Inner Courtyard Translation details ST-45 (Stomach 45) 厲兌 Dangerous Exchange Translation details