Translating "絡卻", acupuncture point BL-8

The reasoning for translating "絡卻" as "Receding Yoke" from Chinese into English. This is the original name of acupuncture point BL-8 (Bladder 8).

Receding Yoke  (BL-8)
絡: Yoke / twist
卻: Recede / repel

Explanation of the point name

With DU-20 as a top, BL-8 forms the shape of a yoke, that goes backward. That shape is reminiscent of a receding hairline.

1st character

Yoke / twist
CJKV-English Dictionary (username: 'guest', no password)

Point names with

For consistency in the translations, it is necessary to be aware of how the character is translated elsewhere. These are the point names it is in.

BL-8 絡卻 Receding Yoke
TB-8 三陽絡 Triple Yang Twist

2nd character

Recede / repel
CJKV-English Dictionary (username: 'guest', no password)

No other point names with this character.

Nearby points

Sometimes the names of consecutive points on a meridian are related. Being aware of nearby points can help to translate consistently in such a situation.

BL-5 五處 Fifth Position
BL-6 承光 Receiving Light
BL-7 通天 Unhindered Heaven
BL-8 絡卻 Receding Yoke
BL-9 玉枕 Jade Pillow
BL-10 天柱 Heaven's Pillar
BL-11 大杼 Many Shuttles