Translating "頰車", acupuncture point ST-6

The reasoning for translating "頰車" as "Jaw Wheel" from Chinese into English. This is the original name of acupuncture point ST-6 (Stomach 6).

Jaw Wheel  (ST-6)
頰: Jaw / cheeks
車: Cart / wheel

Explanation of the point name

This point is located near the half round end of the jaw near the ear. The jaw moves there, like around the axis of a wheel. So, it's both round like a wheel, and moves like a wheel.

1st character

Jaw / cheeks
CJKV-English Dictionary (username: 'guest', no password)

No other point names with this character.

2nd character

Cart / wheel
CJKV-English Dictionary (username: 'guest', no password)

No other point names with this character.

Nearby points

Sometimes the names of consecutive points on a meridian are related. Being aware of nearby points can help to translate consistently in such a situation.

ST-3 巨髎 Large Bone Notch
ST-4 地倉 Land's Granary
ST-5 大迎 Big Welcome
ST-6 頰車 Jaw Wheel
ST-7 下關 Underneath the Joint
ST-8 頭維 Corner of the Hair
ST-9 人迎 Welcoming Others