Translating "肓兪", acupuncture point KI-16
The reasoning for translating "肓兪" as "Breathing Increase" from Chinese into English. This is the original name of acupuncture point KI-16 (Kidney 16).
Explanation of the point name
This point opens a stuffed nose to let in more air, and thus increases breathing.
1st character
This is usually translated with something like "vital region," which is supposed to be the space between the heart and the diaphragm. It is at the bottom center of the lungs. At this location, feelings about breathing can be felt, lik the movement of the breath, and feelings of suffocation or hyperventilation.
In fact, there is nothing wrong with simply translating 肓 with "breathing." All four points with this character in their name affect breathing.
Point names with 肓
For consistency in the translations, it is necessary to be aware of how the character is translated elsewhere. These are the point names it is in.
BL-43 | 膏肓 | Heavy Breathing |
BL-51 | 肓門 | Breathing Gate |
BL-53 | 胞肓 | Womb Breathing |
KI-16 | 肓兪 | Breathing Increase |
2nd character
The character 兪 has often been left untranslated, rendering it as 'Shu.' However, the CJKV-English Dictionary has a perfectly fitting translation for it: 'Increase.'
Point names with 兪
For consistency in the translations, it is necessary to be aware of how the character is translated elsewhere. These are the point names it is in.
SI-10 | 臑兪 | Upper Arm Increase |
SI-14 | 肩外兪 | Side of the Shoulder Increase |
SI-15 | 肩中兪 | Between the Shoulders Increase |
BL-13 | 肺兪 | Lung Increase |
BL-14 | 厥陰兪 | Body Yin Increase |
BL-15 | 心兪 | Heart Increase |
BL-16 | 督兪 | Supervision Increase |
BL-17 | 膈兪 | Diaphragm Increase |
BL-18 | 肝兪 | Liver Increase |
BL-19 | 膽兪 | Gallbladder Increase |
BL-20 | 脾兪 | Spleen Increase |
BL-21 | 胃兪 | Stomach Increase |
BL-22 | 三焦兪 | Triple Burner Increase |
BL-23 | 腎兪 | Kidney Increase |
BL-24 | 氣海兪 | Sea of Qi Increase |
BL-25 | 大腸兪 | Large Intestine Increase |
BL-26 | 關元兪 | Bar's Beginning Increase |
BL-27 | 小腸兪 | Small Intestine Increase |
BL-28 | 膀胱兪 | Bladder Increase |
BL-29 | 中膂兪 | Middle Spine Muscles Increase |
BL-30 | 白環兪 | White Ring Increase |
KI-16 | 肓兪 | Breathing Increase |
KI-27 | 兪府 | Increase of Authority |
DU-2 | 腰兪 | Loins Increase |
Nearby points
Sometimes the names of consecutive points on a meridian are related. Being aware of nearby points can help to translate consistently in such a situation.
KI-13 | 氣穴 | Qi Point |
KI-14 | 四滿 | Four Fullnesses |
KI-15 | 中注 | Pour into the Center |
KI-16 | 肓兪 | Breathing Increase |
KI-17 | 商曲 | Crooked Exchanges |
KI-18 | 石關 | Stone Barrier |
KI-19 | 陰都 | Yin City |