Translating "乳根", acupuncture point ST-18

The reasoning for translating "乳根" as "Base of the Breasts" from Chinese into English. This is the original name of acupuncture point ST-18 (Stomach 18).

Base of the Breasts  (ST-18)
乳: Breast / nipple / suckle
根: Root / starting point

Explanation of the point name

In women, this point is often located at the base of the breasts.

1st character

Breast / nipple / suckle
CJKV-English Dictionary (username: 'guest', no password)


This character can mean either 'breast' or 'nipple.'

Point names with

For consistency in the translations, it is necessary to be aware of how the character is translated elsewhere. These are the point names it is in.

ST-17 乳中 Center of the Nipple
ST-18 乳根 Base of the Breasts

2nd character

Root / starting point
CJKV-English Dictionary (username: 'guest', no password)

No other point names with this character.

Nearby points

Sometimes the names of consecutive points on a meridian are related. Being aware of nearby points can help to translate consistently in such a situation.

ST-15 屋翳 Room Screen
ST-16 膺窗 Chest Window
ST-17 乳中 Center of the Nipple
ST-18 乳根 Base of the Breasts
ST-19 不容 Not Accepted
ST-20 承滿 Receiving Enough
ST-21 梁門 Gate Beam