Translating "上廉", acupuncture point LI-9
The reasoning for translating "上廉" as "Upper One at the Angle" from Chinese into English. This is the original name of acupuncture point LI-9 (Large Intestine 9).
Explanation of the point name
The point name is about how to locate this point, and also LI-8 下廉. When the lower arm is twisted, at a particular angle, a space between tendon and muscle appears, where these two points are located. This point is the upper one (when the arm hangs downward).
In other translations, it is assumed that 廉 refers to the ridge of the bone where these points are supposed to be located. However, the location of that ridge changes with the angle at which the arm is twisted. It therefore cannot be relied on to locate these points, and is thus unlikely to be what the point names refer to.
1st character
Point names with 上
For consistency in the translations, it is necessary to be aware of how the character is translated elsewhere. These are the point names it is in.
LI-9 | 上廉 | Upper One at the Angle |
ST-37 | 上巨虛 | At the Top of the Big Hollow |
BL-31 | 上髎 | Upper Bone Notch |
GB-3 | 上關 | Above the Joint |
REN-13 | 上脘 | Upper Inside of the Stomach |
DU-23 | 上星 | Stars Above |
Point names with 下 (opposite of 上)
For consistency in the translations, it helps to be aware of how the opposite character is translated elsewhere. These are the point names it is in.
LI-8 | 下廉 | Lower One at the Angle |
ST-7 | 下關 | Underneath the Joint |
ST-39 | 下巨虛 | At the Bottom of the Big Hollow |
BL-34 | 下髎 | Lower Bone Notch |
REN-10 | 下脘 | Lower Inside of the Stomach |
2nd character
Point names with 廉
For consistency in the translations, it is necessary to be aware of how the character is translated elsewhere. These are the point names it is in.
LI-8 | 下廉 | Lower One at the Angle |
LI-9 | 上廉 | Upper One at the Angle |
LIV-11 | 陰廉 | Yin Corner |
REN-23 | 廉泉 | Corner Spring |
Nearby points
Sometimes the names of consecutive points on a meridian are related. Being aware of nearby points can help to translate consistently in such a situation.
LI-6 | 偏歴 | Veering Passage |
LI-7 | 溫溜 | Warm Drops |
LI-8 | 下廉 | Lower One at the Angle |
LI-9 | 上廉 | Upper One at the Angle |
LI-10 | 手三里 | Hand's Three Quarter Miles |
LI-11 | 曲池 | Pond at the Bend |
LI-12 | 肘髎 | Elbow Bone Notch |