Translating "上星", acupuncture point DU-23
The reasoning for translating "上星" as "Stars Above" from Chinese into English. This is the original name of acupuncture point DU-23 (Du 23).
Explanation of the point name
The name refers to the location on top of the head. Also, this point increases visual acuity, that could make one see the stars above more clearly.
1st character
Point names with 上
For consistency in the translations, it is necessary to be aware of how the character is translated elsewhere. These are the point names it is in.
LI-9 | 上廉 | Upper One at the Angle |
ST-37 | 上巨虛 | At the Top of the Big Hollow |
BL-31 | 上髎 | Upper Bone Notch |
GB-3 | 上關 | Above the Joint |
REN-13 | 上脘 | Upper Inside of the Stomach |
DU-23 | 上星 | Stars Above |
Point names with 下 (opposite of 上)
For consistency in the translations, it helps to be aware of how the opposite character is translated elsewhere. These are the point names it is in.
LI-8 | 下廉 | Lower One at the Angle |
ST-7 | 下關 | Underneath the Joint |
ST-39 | 下巨虛 | At the Bottom of the Big Hollow |
BL-34 | 下髎 | Lower Bone Notch |
REN-10 | 下脘 | Lower Inside of the Stomach |
2nd character
No other point names with this character.
Nearby points
Sometimes the names of consecutive points on a meridian are related. Being aware of nearby points can help to translate consistently in such a situation.
DU-20 | 百會 | Hundreds of Realizations |
DU-21 | 前頂 | In Front of the Top of the Head |
DU-22 | 囟會 | Fontanelle Junction |
DU-23 | 上星 | Stars Above |
DU-24 | 神庭 | Courtyard of the Mind |
DU-25 | 素髎 | White Bone Notch |
DU-26 | 水溝 | Water Trough |