Translating "周榮", acupuncture point SP-20
The reasoning for translating "周榮" as "Flourishing All-Around" from Chinese into English. This is the original name of acupuncture point SP-20 (Spleen 20).
Flourishing All-Around (SP-20)
周: Round / around / pervasive
榮: Flower / flourish / lush
Explanation of the point name
This point helps a person to flourish in every way possible.
1st character
No other point names with this character.
2nd character
No other point names with this character.
Nearby points
Sometimes the names of consecutive points on a meridian are related. Being aware of nearby points can help to translate consistently in such a situation.
SP-17 | 食竇 | Feeding Opening |
SP-18 | 天谿 | Heavenly Valley Stream |
SP-19 | 胸鄉 | Countryside of the Chest |
SP-20 | 周榮 | Flourishing All-Around |
SP-21 | 大包 | Big Embrace |
HT-1 | 極泉 | Highest Source |
HT-2 | 青靈 | Blue-Green Spirit |