Translating "中脘", acupuncture point REN-12

The reasoning for translating "中脘" as "Middle Inside of the Stomach" from Chinese into English. This is the original name of acupuncture point REN-12 (Ren 12).

Middle Inside of the Stomach  (REN-12)
中: Middle / central / between / within / balance
脘: The inside of the stomach

Explanation of the point name

This point affects the stomach digestion itself, that happens in the middle part of the inside of the stomach.

1st character

Middle / central / between / within / balance
CJKV-English Dictionary (username: 'guest', no password)

Point names with

For consistency in the translations, it is necessary to be aware of how the character is translated elsewhere. These are the point names it is in.

LU-1 中府 Central Authority
ST-17 乳中 Center of the Nipple
SI-15 肩中兪 Between the Shoulders Increase
BL-29 中膂兪 Middle Spine Muscles Increase
BL-33 中髎 Middle Bone Notch
BL-40 委中 Yield to Within
KI-15 中注 Pour into the Center
KI-26 彧中 Inner Refinement
P-9 中衝 Thoroughfare in the Middle
TB-3 中渚 Between the Sandbars
GB-32 中瀆 Middle of the Ditch
LIV-4 中封 Between the Dikes
LIV-6 中都 Between the Cities
REN-3 中極 Balanced Fully
REN-12 中脘 Middle Inside of the Stomach
REN-16 中庭 Middle of the Courtyard
REN-17 膻中 Center of the Chest
DU-6 脊中 Halfway the Spine
DU-7 中樞 Middle Pivot

2nd character

The inside of the stomach
CJKV-English Dictionary (username: 'guest', no password)

Point names with

For consistency in the translations, it is necessary to be aware of how the character is translated elsewhere. These are the point names it is in.

REN-10 下脘 Lower Inside of the Stomach
REN-12 中脘 Middle Inside of the Stomach
REN-13 上脘 Upper Inside of the Stomach

Nearby points

Sometimes the names of consecutive points on a meridian are related. Being aware of nearby points can help to translate consistently in such a situation.

REN-9 水分 Fluid Distinguishing
REN-10 下脘 Lower Inside of the Stomach
REN-11 建里 Establishing a Village
REN-12 中脘 Middle Inside of the Stomach
REN-13 上脘 Upper Inside of the Stomach
REN-14 巨闕 Big Loss
REN-15 鳩尾 Dove Tail