Translating "中衝", acupuncture point P-9
The reasoning for translating "中衝" as "Thoroughfare in the Middle" from Chinese into English. This is the original name of acupuncture point P-9 (Pericardium 9).
Explanation of the point name
This point is located on the top of the middle finger. This finger suggests a kind of thoroughfare over the middle of the arm, to the shoulder, and the heart.
1st character
Point names with 中
For consistency in the translations, it is necessary to be aware of how the character is translated elsewhere. These are the point names it is in.
LU-1 | 中府 | Central Authority |
ST-17 | 乳中 | Center of the Nipple |
SI-15 | 肩中兪 | Between the Shoulders Increase |
BL-29 | 中膂兪 | Middle Spine Muscles Increase |
BL-33 | 中髎 | Middle Bone Notch |
BL-40 | 委中 | Yield to Within |
KI-15 | 中注 | Pour into the Center |
KI-26 | 彧中 | Inner Refinement |
P-9 | 中衝 | Thoroughfare in the Middle |
TB-3 | 中渚 | Between the Sandbars |
GB-32 | 中瀆 | Middle of the Ditch |
LIV-4 | 中封 | Between the Dikes |
LIV-6 | 中都 | Between the Cities |
REN-3 | 中極 | Balanced Fully |
REN-12 | 中脘 | Middle Inside of the Stomach |
REN-16 | 中庭 | Middle of the Courtyard |
REN-17 | 膻中 | Center of the Chest |
DU-6 | 脊中 | Halfway the Spine |
DU-7 | 中樞 | Middle Pivot |
2nd character
Point names with 衝
For consistency in the translations, it is necessary to be aware of how the character is translated elsewhere. These are the point names it is in.
BL-3 | 眉衝 | Eyebrow Thoroughfare |
P-9 | 中衝 | Thoroughfare in the Middle |
TB-1 | 關衝 | Through the Barrier Gate |
Nearby points
Sometimes the names of consecutive points on a meridian are related. Being aware of nearby points can help to translate consistently in such a situation.
P-6 | 內關 | Barrier Gate to the Inside |
P-7 | 大陵 | Much Abuse |
P-8 | 勞宮 | Working in the Palace |
P-9 | 中衝 | Thoroughfare in the Middle |
TB-1 | 關衝 | Through the Barrier Gate |
TB-2 | 液門 | Juices Gate |
TB-3 | 中渚 | Between the Sandbars |