Translating "支溝", acupuncture point TB-6
The reasoning for translating "支溝" as "Limb's Ditch" from Chinese into English. This is the original name of acupuncture point TB-6 (Triple Burner 6).
Explanation of the point name
Just as in the point names of TB-9 and GB-32, there is a groove in the muscle here where this point is located. It is actually the first 'ditch' from the four 'ditches' from TB-9 Fourth Ditch.
A different character is used here, but 溝 and 瀆 have an overlap in meaning, in that they both can mean 'ditch.' That brings up the question why there isn't the same character used. A reason for that could be that the arm bones can be felt more prominently here, and they form a kind of broader canal.
It then makes more sense to translate 支 with 'limb' rather than with 'branch.'
1st character
Point names with 支
For consistency in the translations, it is necessary to be aware of how the character is translated elsewhere. These are the point names it is in.
SI-7 | 支正 | Support the Upright |
TB-6 | 支溝 | Limb's Ditch |
2nd character
Point names with 溝
For consistency in the translations, it is necessary to be aware of how the character is translated elsewhere. These are the point names it is in.
TB-6 | 支溝 | Limb's Ditch |
LIV-5 | 蠡溝 | Woodworm Canal |
DU-26 | 水溝 | Water Trough |
Nearby points
Sometimes the names of consecutive points on a meridian are related. Being aware of nearby points can help to translate consistently in such a situation.
TB-3 | 中渚 | Between the Sandbars |
TB-4 | 陽池 | Yang Pond |
TB-5 | 外關 | Barrier Gate to the Outside |
TB-6 | 支溝 | Limb's Ditch |
TB-7 | 會宗 | Clan Meeting |
TB-8 | 三陽絡 | Triple Yang Twist |
TB-9 | 四瀆 | Fourth Ditch |