Translating "少澤", acupuncture point SI-1
The reasoning for translating "少澤" as "Smallest Marsh" from Chinese into English. This is the original name of acupuncture point SI-1 (Small Intestine 1).
Explanation of the point name
The three 澤 'marsh' points (LU-5, SI-1, P-3) have in common that there's softer, moist tissue next to harder tissue. With LU-5 and P-3, that harder tissue is the tendon in the middle of the elbow crease, with SI-1, it's the nail. That's also characteristic for a marsh, that it's a mixture of soft and moist mud, with harder plant material and firmer ground.
SI-1 is the smallest of these.
1st character
Point names with 少
For consistency in the translations, it is necessary to be aware of how the character is translated elsewhere. These are the point names it is in.
LU-11 | 少商 | Littlest Exchange |
HT-3 | 少海 | Smallest Sea |
HT-8 | 少府 | Smallest Authority |
HT-9 | 少沖 | Smallest Infusion |
SI-1 | 少澤 | Smallest Marsh |
Point names with 太 (opposite of 少)
For consistency in the translations, it helps to be aware of how the opposite character is translated elsewhere. These are the point names it is in.
LU-9 | 太淵 | Largest Depth |
ST-23 | 太乙 | Greatest Oneness |
SP-3 | 太白 | Greatest Purity |
KI-3 | 太谿 | Largest Valley Stream |
LIV-3 | 太沖 | Largest Infusion |
2nd character
Point names with 澤
For consistency in the translations, it is necessary to be aware of how the character is translated elsewhere. These are the point names it is in.
LU-5 | 尺澤 | Cubit Marsh |
SI-1 | 少澤 | Smallest Marsh |
P-3 | 曲澤 | Marsh at the Bend |
Nearby points
Sometimes the names of consecutive points on a meridian are related. Being aware of nearby points can help to translate consistently in such a situation.
HT-7 | 神門 | Gate to the Heart |
HT-8 | 少府 | Smallest Authority |
HT-9 | 少沖 | Smallest Infusion |
SI-1 | 少澤 | Smallest Marsh |
SI-2 | 前谷 | In Front of the Valley |
SI-3 | 後谿 | Behind the Valley Stream |
SI-4 | 腕骨 | Wrist Bones |