Translating "耳門", acupuncture point TB-21
The reasoning for translating "耳門" as "Ear Opening" from Chinese into English. This is the original name of acupuncture point TB-21 (Triple Burner 21).
Ear Opening (TB-21)
耳: Ear / hear
門: Gate / entrance
Explanation of the point name
Usually, 門 can be translated with 'gate,' but it can also mean 'opening.' That seems more appropriate in relation to the ear.
1st character
Point names with 耳
For consistency in the translations, it is necessary to be aware of how the character is translated elsewhere. These are the point names it is in.
TB-21 | 耳門 | Ear Opening |
TB-22 | 耳和髎 | Attuned Listening Bone Notch |
2nd character
Point names with 門
For consistency in the translations, it is necessary to be aware of how the character is translated elsewhere. These are the point names it is in.
LU-2 | 雲門 | Cloud Gate |
ST-21 | 梁門 | Gate Beam |
ST-22 | 關門 | Barrier Gate |
ST-24 | 滑肉門 | Supple Flesh Gate |
SP-11 | 箕門 | Winnowing Gate |
SP-12 | 沖門 | Rinsing the Gate |
HT-7 | 神門 | Gate to the Heart |
BL-12 | 風門 | Wind Gate |
BL-37 | 殷門 | Prosperity Gate |
BL-47 | 魂門 | Hun Gate |
BL-51 | 肓門 | Breathing Gate |
BL-63 | 金門 | Golden Gate |
KI-21 | 幽門 | Gate to Darkness |
P-4 | 郄門 | Gate Ajar |
TB-2 | 液門 | Juices Gate |
TB-21 | 耳門 | Ear Opening |
GB-25 | 京門 | Gate of Fear |
LIV-13 | 章門 | Chapter Gate |
LIV-14 | 期門 | Gate of Hope |
REN-5 | 石門 | Stone Gate |
DU-4 | 命門 | Gate of Destiny |
DU-15 | 瘂門 | Muteness Gate |
Nearby points
Sometimes the names of consecutive points on a meridian are related. Being aware of nearby points can help to translate consistently in such a situation.
TB-18 | 瘈脈 | Spasm Bloodvessel |
TB-19 | 顱息 | Quieting the Head |
TB-20 | 角孫 | Following the Angle |
TB-21 | 耳門 | Ear Opening |
TB-22 | 耳和髎 | Attuned Listening Bone Notch |
TB-23 | 絲竹空 | Bamboo Hairs Cavity |
GB-1 | 瞳子髎 | Pupil Bone Notch |